So we can use annotation to make that method as a data supplier.

These parameter values are provided using the testng.xml configuration file at If any of your methods required some input data, then we can pass the data to that method. We can use this tag for print what tests are going to run, browser name and project name, which is common for all the The annotated method will be executed after any tests declared inside a TestNG BeforeGroups annotated method will run before any of the test methods of the specified group is AfterGroups annotated method will run after any of the test methods of the specified group gets This annotation is used to pass parameters to a test method. If a suite contains multiple tests, these annotated methods will not be applicable for all The annotated method will be executed before any tests declared inside a TestNG suite. We are using this type of annotation to set up any specific configuration for the The annotated methods will execute after each tag, which is declared inside a TestNG suite. The annotated methods will be executed before tag is run. Note: and methods are unique to a particular A Suite can have several tests. So annotated methods are executed before the execution of any of the methods of that These annotated methods are executed after the execution of all test methods of a test class are executed. This is one of the important annotations in TestNG because inside that we need to write the business If you declare a test case or method with this annotation, then the annotated method will be executed before the execution of each annotated Those methods are annotated by the method executed after the execution of each annotated A class can have multiple classes, and each class can have various methods in it. If you declare this annotation at class level, then all the methods present inside the class will be considered as a test method. TestNG Annotation With You can use this annotation in class or method level for the test method. us try to understand all the above annotations one by one.